Friday, August 17, 2012

The iPad

In the last few years, the iPad and other tablets have come into view.  These have made it easier for the writer to get his or her work done when he or she is not at their computer or laptop.  With the iCloud method of saving the work, the writer can write and upload it to iCloud, and then go on the computer and revise the work there without having to put the chapter on a flash drive or email it to the computer.

An iPad makes it easier if one wants to use the computer to write the story, and yet can have other information on the iPad or tablet.   It does not mean that when you get an iPad, you are now fabulously wealthy and you have money in abundance, but sometimes I feel that way.  I will not go into detail, and some of my friends know.   But I do wonder about these who have iPads among those I know and who  are secretive about it, either keep it entirely in their home, and do not take it out work while having coffee.   Perhaps they had gone through the same thing.  

It is a tool.   I doubt that any of us bought it just to play Angry Birds.

Confederation Bridge PEI

Confederation Bridge PEI
Condeferation Bridge PEI