Saturday, March 1, 2008

The Slow Way to increase your writing time

After much turmoil, I decided that I had better increase my writing time. I had tried so many words, but without success, tried a certain time of a day but found that not all days are the same, and sometimes things go wrong. I thought of printing out my old draft and go over it, but that would not work, because I have one of those cheaper printers that are only suitable for article writing and short stories. - very short stories. So one day, I turned on my timer and wrote as much as I could without getting tired and wrote past that ten minute mark where the words start making sense.
The next day, I set the timer for one minute past that mark, and since then, every day except for Sunday, I started one minute later than the previous.
It is a slow way to increase my writing time, but it worked. I have tried to find the best time, and right now I am writing on my novel at one in the afternoon. However, I do not know what will happen when the snow melts and I want to go for a walk. I may have to go to bed early so that I am refreshed enough to write in the morning. Stores do not open until ten here, unless you count Walmart and Staples.

1 comment:

J said...

Nice to read your blog. I have many things to learn from you.

Thanks for commenting on mylot discussion.

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