Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Fiction Writing: Do you need a Creative Writing Course

Whenever you say you want to be a writer, there is always someone who tells you to take a creative writing course. Now if you are attending college or university, you can easily take one. The same applies if you are working and you can take a night school course. However not everyone has the time or money and if they did decide to go to school for an hour or so, it might mean the sacrifice of something necessary. In these cases, they might have to go to the library and get books on how to write. They also might have to buy books on writing or learn online. The point is there are many ways on learning to write. It is not creative writing or journalism or nothing. Writers Digest Book Club has many books as well as a magazine that would instruct you on how to write.

Now you may want to improve yourself later and take a course, but that is when you feel it is necessary or when you find you have gone so far and did not improve. But then again, even though you wanted to, you could not afford to. That is life. Do not worry about it, just do the exercises in that how to write book you bought and join an online critique group.

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