Monday, July 30, 2007

Writing; Setting a Time

I am back from my cruise, with a determination to continue with my novel. So far, I have found it hard because I was trying to make money by various online activities, that now include posting at myLot. Yes, this is the nickname I use. I have found it quite, well not lucrative, but almost, and enjoyable. My photos of the cruise are private. Sorry, but there are some there that I want to give to my Church for the concerts they have in the Spring and Summer.

Before I was writing my novel whenever I had time, but found I could not find any. So I tried a new tactic. Find a time when, although my brain is not in high gear, my endurance is. This left the first thing in the morning after Bible reading, of course.

So this is the rule of setting a time: The best time to write is when you can sit at the computer or typewriter longer without getting exhausted, falling asleep, or dreaming.
The second rule is decide on the minimum amount of time you will write.
The third rule is decide how long you are to write, and if you do not have a timer, get one.
The fourth rule is make sure you increase the time by one minute a day, not counting Sunday or if you are Jewish, Saturday, and so on. If you hold no religious affiliation, decide on one day off. This is to give yourself a break and you would not want to take an unfair advantage against those who value their holy days, do you?

Now the above is when you are typing, not when you sit around, with your journal or your laptop (lucky you!! grr!!) because that is when you get your thoughts or ideas. Some writers like to write on paper first, (oo, I love to crinkle it in my hands. It makes me feel so creative! Well I have poor wrists, and have developed a memory to compensate.), but I do not, because of the reason stated. I wish I could. There are times when I am visiting and I have a good idea, but if I wrote it down, it would not be legible enough to read.

Any suggestions as to how to make my wrists stronger and the left side of my left hand stronger, would be appreciated.

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