Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Fiction Writing; Wishful Thinking

In this day of Political Correctness, even writers try to make sure that those who were looked down on, the cripples, the poor, the deprived, the non-white are given a place of importance in fiction so that they are the heroes, the ones of importance so we will read the book or watch the movie and say, 'how wonderful!" forgetting that even supposed privileged people endured heartbreak.

I remember reading a book by one of my favorite authors where the hero had three people helping him, three with various forms of disability and the one who was the worse off actually got transported to another Universe where the political scene had changed: In that, the Democrats won: wishful thinking.

The fact is if you decide to make those former despised people the heroes, unless it is about someone who overcame his background, you run the risk of believing those of the privileged who got shafted, lost their jobs, or were in a car accident that resulted in them loosing their limbs actually deserved it. And have you seen that the recent trend in movies, where the villain is rich and white? When someone once despised becomes a hero or a hero's companion, then the wicked one must be one who in past novels would have been the hero's friends. So the man who answered the door or worked in the field, who begged in the street is now adored, while the business owner, the upper class one is now despised unless he happens to be, perhaps, the adopted son born in India, Nigeria, etc. and whose skin is as dark as midnight.

Most people hang around with people of their own background and culture. I was born in Scotland, of German English descent so most of my friends are Western European. A woman who was born in South Carolina and of Black African descent, most of her friends would be African American. A man born in Nigeria would make friends like him. So if the hero or heroine of the story lived in Texas and was a Mexican American , his friends more than likely would be that type and the only one surviving the massacre would not be that Dutch kid they befriended on the Cattle Drive.

What did they do wrong? Surely everyone deserves a chance, but that is what they did. They did not write the story or the play as what would have happened in real life (unless the hero was the only white kid in the ghetto and he thought he was black)- , They wrote the story to even up the field, they were engaged in wishful thinking.

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