Saturday, August 4, 2007

Fiction Writing: Writing and Finance Savings

If you have a good paying job, or are in college, you probably have enough so that when you are ready to publish your novel, you just have to go to the Post Office and buy the stamps, plunk down the parcel and it is off. If it is rejected, you merely print out another 2000 or so pages, put more stamps plus the post card with extra stamps that they will send you back if it is rejected. In fact, you may be able to send it out to twenty before at lets say, a cost of $10.00 per send out or about $220. Now this is just a guess, the stamps might be $2.50 to $5.00, but even at that, for someone who makes $7.00 or less an hour, that is quite a bit of change.

So how do you get enough money and where do you put it? If you are an American, you may only need a savings and checking account, because most publishers are in the United States. I suppose it also applies to the United Kingdom and Australia, they have lots of publishers. However if you are a Canadian, although you can send your book to a Canadian publisher, you may find the most customers would be in the States. So you also need a good US. Savings account. Many banks in Canada have American money bank accounts and if you put so much a month, your interest and balance will add up.

It is also good to put money aside for unexpected, like the computer breaking down or you need a new printer. So instead of waiting until they die, why not take about $50 to $100 and put it in a high interest savings account? I will tell you what I did. I got a high interest savings account and I put an automatic deposit out of my pension. Not only that, I decided any money I got from myLot or any other internet went to save for a new computer plus a new printer. We decided to buy our paper in bulk instead of one at a time. I also decided to correct most of my work on the computer, thus saving paper except for the first two drafts. I got a basic American account to put money aside when I got a check and that was to pay for any stamps I would order. If my printer ran out of ink, I would get a refill rather than buy a new cartridge. I also decided to perfect my craft rather than send it off and get an automatic rejection. However that is going to take time because I am also working at home. Right now I can do one hour, but I am gradually increasing. So wish me luck.

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