Sunday, July 12, 2009


Someone who burns down just churches, does not allow Christians to hold meetings, does not let Christians to express their opinions and says that Church groups should allow people of different sexual orientations or those who do not follow the Christian way of life, is just guilty of a hate crime as someone who beats up a homosexual.
To make it clearer, murder of anyone no matter what is a hate crime. If you allow hate crimes, it will soon be thought crimes abd is that what is happening now? What about the people in the Sudan and in much of the Muslim world who are being tortured or persecuted because they are Christians.
Yes in America, they are going after those who do not like homosexuals, while brethren in far off lands are being hauled off to jail, tortured, women raped, children hacked to pieces and horrible things done to them because they refuse to worship Allah.
Who do you value the most?

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