Sunday, July 12, 2009
I feel carpal tunnel syndrome coming on.
My hands hurt when I press the keyboard.
Oh no, a paper cut!
Why do I have to use this long definition when several smaller words would do?
Looking through all those research books with that small print hurts my eyes
I put out my back lifting those heavy encyclopedias.
The small print on my computer screen stains my eyes.
I want to clean the house, go out, but there is this guy with a whip…
The Danger of Political Correctness
Now you get a reason why those Cambodians died in the Killing Fields, the Iraqis and formerly Iranians exterminated ethnic groups other than their own, and the Serbs massacred Bosnians, Albanians, et cetera and no one took much notice until it was too late. Why it is as clear as the nose on your face. They were not Nazis, the predecessors of that evil White Man.
Let me continue. The Bible did not say, "Come all ye blessed African Amercans, Native Americans, Chinese, Vietnamese and other ethnic groups, enter ye into the joy of your Lord." nor did it say, "Depart all ye evil white men, into the fire reserved for the devil and his angels.", but the politically correct people would like to think so.
Want Ads from : The Stereotypical Post
You are Lee Ching, who formerly ran the Tong in Asia.
You put your enemies to death by various tortures.
You are an expert in martial arts. Men fear you. You have amassed great wealth.
And now that you are in America, you are regarded as a weak worthless worm.
You need an evil White Man now to oversee your activities.
You are an Anglo Saxon of Scottish descent, have always attended the Presbyterian Church,
have raised your children in the faith, none of your kids have been in any trouble.
Now you move to America,
but as soon as their foot steps on American soil, your kids go wild.
So who do you need in your hour of desperation?
Who else but the Moral African American
You are a professor at the University,
you even double as a brain surgeon in your spare time,
You have solved numerous problems,
But suddenly you are told, that your solutions are not feasible.
What do you do?
You ask for the Wise Oriental.
It is sad to say that many companies and countries have now taken that advice. True that the people they hire may have good qualifications, but they were not hired because of that. It is more a statement that "Our company does what it can to make the Cree, Assinboine, etc. (I live in Manitoba, and these are two of the Native
American tribes that live there.)feel good. I work for a nice company" or in America, the statement is "We are not racists," because they hire people who are non-white."
The danger is that they hire because they want a quota so it looks nice. In Manitoba, there is a campaign to hire a disabled person because they are nice. Well you are supposed to hire a person because he or she can do their job and are qualified, not because they can only get around in a wheelchair. That wheelchair does not magically make them qualified to do the accounting, that being in Manitoba University and getting their degree in accounting does. Sure hire someone who has something wrong with him, but do not hire on account of sympathy, just hire because he hs the best person for the job.
Now for you men out there. Please let your wife use the computer. You can make a list together of what sites you would allow your children to see. I have my own personal motives for writing this. Every time you say the Internet is evil, you let the ones who would show inappropriate so called adult sites wrestle more of the Internet from you.
I read that at the Swissair Memorial Service, the Christian ministers were not allowed to speak the name of Christ. All the others could mention Buddha, Allah, and what not. This is wrong. It is an insult to God and to the Christian community. This is political correctness
If you had to work or did not get the proper education and decided now "I am going my University or GED and become a writer," unless those in your household steal your money, throw your typewriter or computer out the window, lock the computer so you cannot get it, hide your writing utensils, or do anything physical to prevent you from acquiring your goal, there is no excuse. You may have to keep the home in order and be reasonably neat so they can see writing is not a time waster. What I am saying is threatening words spoken on empty air do not mean anything unless accompanied by blows.
All right now we got down to the mean opposition, what about the subtle examples. Let me name a few.
You are a Japanese wife. You have been told, don't bring dishonor on our family name. You know that your grandfather was a guard in one of those prison camps. You feel you must tell a fictionalized story of World War 11 but if you do, your family will disown you.
The best idea has come to you! Ah that is the correct phrase, the way the heroine looks at the villain. I have to write it down or type it on the computer. Your son or daughter have taken all your pens and pencils, and "you know who" has to use the computer to type out that special report even though he had all week to do it. It has to be done this moment.
You have finished the best game of solitaire, and unknown to you, your partner sneaks in, watches, leaves, and goes out about his business. You start to write on your short story and only then does he say, 'what about supper?'. You think this is isolated, so you choose another time, but no matter what time as soon as you write a couple of words or get as far as a sentence, yours truly does the interruption thing.
You belong to a religious organization who says fiction story writing is lying,
I think the ones who are doing this opposing should ask themselves, "Were you proud of your grandfather torturing all those people?" "Why did you choose this particular time to use the computer, and why did you not have those writing instruments handy? " How do you expect your wife to improve her writing if she does not get enough time to write a paragraph? Do you want her to be, perhaps, senile? Will taking care of a woman in her old age who is devoid of her mental facilities make you happy? " "How do you know if the so called fiction writing is a lie or not?" Remember those movie credits with "any resemblance to any persons living or dead is truly coincidental?"
What is the result of this opposition? For one thing, your novel or short story will take longer to send out. It costs more. You may have to buy the file cabinets, book cases, and other essentials out of your own pocket, not to mention books on writing. There are people who still believe that reading is a luxury and because of this many potential authors go unnoticed; many an unpublished story lies hidden in a dresser drawer.
Yet when you watch Tv, and you see those fit and slim models, you wonder why do they not show anyone who really struggled like on the Biggest Loser? I have not watched that show that often, but I see those obese people struggling up hills, going up stadium steps, and when I do catch the show later on, those obese people are now just fat, lately pleasantly plump and finally slim.
Yet they are always exercising in moderate climates and even the Canadian version of the Biggest Loser, that is based in Edmonton, the losers are losing weight in Spring, Summer, and Fall, never when there is snow on the ground and it really does snow in Edmonton. It is not just a light sprinkle.
You see when it is cold, you need more fuel, and when it snows, it is harder to move and when it is forty below, shoveling snow can only be done for so long before you have to go into the house.
Yet losing weight is harder in the winter. Wait until spring and then the pounds will come out as you are able to walk.
To make it clearer, murder of anyone no matter what is a hate crime. If you allow hate crimes, it will soon be thought crimes abd is that what is happening now? What about the people in the Sudan and in much of the Muslim world who are being tortured or persecuted because they are Christians.
Yes in America, they are going after those who do not like homosexuals, while brethren in far off lands are being hauled off to jail, tortured, women raped, children hacked to pieces and horrible things done to them because they refuse to worship Allah.
Who do you value the most?
Now in Canada and many other countries, both ethnic groups counts and so there is no pressure on the blondest girl marrying the blackest man or visa versa. Because no matter how the mix, all the elements of both backgrounds come together. There is another thing. There is no resentment - except for the Native Canadians who went to the residential schools - and part of it was because what used to work in the Public Schools in England did not work in Amerindian society where the children were never separated from the tribe or the family and whereas there were safeguards in the English Public Schools where potential pedophiles were found out before, there were none in the Residential schools and of course the pedophiles and child abusers as evil men have done, took advantage of this lack of security.
There is another thing about Canada. We have mixed neighborhoods, where the only thing that separates one community from the other is one is middle class, one is working class, and one is upper class, but in the United States, the lines are of color and that makes racism more attractive.
So instead of the rich man marrying the poor girl or the rich girl marrying the poor boy who does his best to show he is worthy, one marries someone of a different ethnic group to show that he is worthy.
Yet both these ideas are wrong. One is assumed to show one is not a racist and the other to show that one does not care for the class system and neither work because there will always be resentment. Marrying should be for love and because both parties have something in common, or are of the same beliefs, and not to prove a point.
What is Prejudice or Bigotry
Now what if that black man was the member of the Saratoga Blacks are Better than White Society, an organization known for buying property at below cost values so that black people who would not qualify for low cost mortages - i.e. drug dealers and gangsters - can get in a neighborhood. If one mentioned this, would that be prejudicial?
If you need a new police chief, you happen to live in a town in Minnesota -yes, the majority of the people are of Swedish, Norwegian, and Danish descent, but you hire a black chief, would that be acceptable? However, what if the reverse were true? You live in New York City, in Harlem. The chief retired or you hire Jack Johnson a blue eyed man of Swedish descent, complete with the tall rangy look and blonde hair. In what instance, would you get the most irate letters, emails, and phone calls? So why is it acceptable to have Daniel Lamont, who is an African American who just moved from South Carolina be the police chief in Smalltown, Minnesota, yet Jack Johnson originally from Minnesapolis, Minnesota cannot be the police chief in Harlam. By the way, lets say that both men worked in their various police stations in their original towns, and both got honorable discharges from the army, complete with medals for heroism, both are married, are active in their churchs, etc.
This is just a small example. So being prejudice does not mean that you are prejudiced if you think black people are inferior, it means you are also prejudiced if you think white people are inferior. In fact, anyone can be prejudiced against someone of a different or even a lighter skin color. It is saying that we give preferential treatment based not on experience but on the color or lack thereof of one's skin.
Types of Movies I Do Not Like
The White person or people are dead, lets celebrate: e.g. Deep Water and Playing it Forward are an example. Have you noticed in both, the music played was inappropriate? No dirges, no sad instrumentals in a minor key. As if you are supposed to be happy that a couple drowned at sea and were eaten by sharks or a boy was murdered. Of course, I also don't like movies where there are proficious use of the f-work, or blasphemy. I mean, a guy hits his thumb with a hammer, he loses all his money, someone kills his wife – you'd expect him (I am not talking about true Christians) to let out a curse, but every second sentence?
Below is a list of three of the movies redone to let the African Americans be the heroes and I doubt any of them played the villain.
Original: The Bishop's Wife: Remade: The Preacher's Wife
Original: Doctor Doolittle Remade: Doctor Doolittle
The Manchurian Candidate Remade: The Manchurian Candidate
Now The Manchurian Candidate may have been brilliantly written, even got three out of five stars — a major accomplishment, but unlike the others which just changed all the characters into Blacks or African Americans, it makes the hero played by Denzel Washington, an African American who goes against the villain and villainess who are white — another case of "we Blacks are morally superior than you whites who are more inclined to commit crimes against your country, etc." And that is the case here. It would have been better if in this remake, the villain and villainess were of the same ethnic group as the hero. But then again, 'don't make us the bad guys, always make us the good guys.' At least James Earl Jones and Morgan Freeman played villains and for that they showed courage. Also before the present political correctness, other Black actors played shady or morally bankrupt,even bullies and cowards. Where is that courage now? Sadly lacking.
Television's Desire On Modern Life
In these witchcraft became good and beneficial, witches and monsters were seen as ordinary people with strange powers, not the denizens of hell that they really were. Now we see an increase in psychic readings, witchcraft as a good force, and Christianity, the only thing necessary to stop this, is shown as a hypocritical religion.
Television and movies also influence family life Have you noticed that many of the shows in the nineteen sixties and seventies featured couples dating for inordinate periods of time so that it seemed their biological clock would run out before they popped the question?
In the eighties, we developed racially oriented television. I cannot count how many police show had black police captains, and how many had the sterotyped wise Japanese or Chinese. In fact, it still is that way now and we wonder why many young men of European ancestry do not go to University or drop out. In the nineties the Japanese and Chinese as well as the other nationalities were now viewed as the rest of us with all the traits of goodness and badness that makes up the human population. The blacks, however, were now shown as very good even when they were on the side of wrong, knowledgable and the holders of moral values as so perfect. (Star Trek Voyager makes fun of this attitude with Tuvok.) We also had shows in which the black cop or partner had children while his white partner was single, had no children, or going through a divorce after a childless marriage.
This trend has now increased and the media is to blame. Most shows put blacks in superior positions, teachers, police chiefs, heads of companies, etc. The danger in this that it discourages those who are non black (that is white) from trying. Now not only are the blacks in superior positions, but they are usually arrogant,and bossy. However, when I watched a documentary about a murder, the police chief there (who incidentally lived in an area with a high black population) answered the interviewer's questions with decency and politeness, showing that television does not echoe real life. You cannot stereotype ethnic groups and you cannot get ahead at the expense of others.
Now in twenty first century, we have the shows in which if there is a pregnancy and a birth, the child is always, every single time, a girl We have shows where if a child dies, it is a boy, not a girl. If a boy lives, it is usually non white. (Now I hope this trend does not continue, I do not want to see any increase in the membership of such organizations as White Supremecists and the KKK who would be watching these shows.) I even watched a show where one of the heroines said to one of the characters that "your son died so that little girl could live." It seems that baby boys and little boys are a dying race on television land. So how do we change this?
Apart from writing to television stations, whenever an actor or an actress has a baby boy, those who are on posts can write with the same enthusiam as when the actor or actress has a baby girl. If one writes fan fiction, don't kill off the boys. Don't just make the boys in minority races. If you are writing a continuing story speculating the hero and heroine, have a least one of the children a boy, and don't make him die or (in the case of one particular story I read) all the boys die in infancy while the two sisters survived. Not real life.
We can remember that not all boys grow up to be wife abusers, some actually become decent citizens and how many of you "I want the baby of this particular show to be a girl because they are so cute and innocent" are able to carry down a two hundred pound unconscious man down a ladder from a blazing building? If television were real life, are any of you girls or women willing to work as hard as your fathers or husbands or brothers the whole time up until you are sixty five or beyond, with the same intensity, in the same hard jobs they do? Not every woman is built like a Word Federation Champion.
Television, Movies, and Ethnicity and How They are Played Out
First I believe there are two races on Earth, the Children of God and the Children of the World. However for those who believe that there is a white race, a yellow race, a red race, and a black race (making it simple), it often influences the roles the particular ethnic group plays on Movies and Televsions. Today, mostly when watching a show about someone being victimized, wrongly accused of a crime, having his child denied a life savings operation, being pursued by the CIA, FBI, or whatever, being mistaken for a vicious criminal, etc., he is always an African American or Black (that's so we can distinguish if he was from the United States or from Jamaica or someplace else, but I doubt he was from the latter definition.)
Now giving that these horrible things could happen to everyone, when watching these shows, one gets the impression that the person was persecuted because he was African American. In other words, he was persecuted because of the color of his skin.
Such portrayal of the media is wrong and diminishes the sympathy and help to those who are not black who are being wrongly accused, etc. It also makes people blaise about black people in the Sudan who are being persecuted for being Christians.See Sudanpage.Unfortunately the media only got interested when the Arabians from the North started attacking all the Black people in the Sudan, not just the Christians, but also the Moslems and Animists.
"Shell shock," said the one in the white Panama hat.
Jensen, who was busy talking to his first mate, nodded.
"Any word on the London Waxworks robbery?" the mate asked.
"Yes. I have word from Scotland Yard that they might try to get away on the ship. We have everyone checking the cabins and the passenger's list.
The mate loosed his collar. "It's going to be a scorcher!" The captain agreeed that it was unusual for that time of year. They decided to go to the dining room.
An hour later, they returned. Shocked, he looked at the quartet. Were not the two in the center a little bit shorter and wider? Quickly, he sent for several burly seamen who surrounded the group.
"All right," said the captain, "turn around and stand up!"
The two on the end obeyed, causing the center figures to lurch forward, practically toppling into the ocean. As the seamen grabbed them, their hands became sticky with hot wax.
"The missing wax work dummies!"explained the captain and promptly placed the thieves in the brig.
Example of Fictiion: THE LETTER
Mary's hair still had that silver glow and she still had that turquoise evening gown, but it now stained with dark red patches. The dark brown table still held her manuscript and the letter. Clancey took time to phone the coroner and his superior and blinked his eyes.
"The letter was gone!"
Yesterday at the pub, he was talking to his companions about Mrs. Phenni's trouble with the rental agency. Ethan tried to strain his mind, trying to think of someone listening with overly intentness. He knew that his friends just yawned and made suggestions about Ombudsmen, What about her relatives? Surely she has a son or daughter some place? If it were my mother, I'd…
Mary Phenni had a lot of trouble and now she was dead. The murderer apparently was someone she knew. No forced entry. Well that always is the case. Clancey went over the room again. The faded rose chenille cover and the white bleached pillows with the embroidered red carnations and dark green leaves covered the double sized bed. A pocket book with the name "Sweet Surrender" lay on the small round table. Its gaudy cover of a blonde woman being caressed by a dark hair hunk, contrasted with the pale gray finish of the antique furniture.
What do women see in this romantic stuff? Mary was a widow and her marriage was not much worse than most. Maybe her daughter gave it to her. He went into the kitchen. Mary had prepared her supper, a small tin of stew, a couple of potatoes and an attempt at a salad, that is, head lettuce, tomatoes, and French Dressing. No green onions. Then he remembered today was the fourteenth. She would be getting her pension check tomorrow.
Example of Fiction: LITTLE MURDERER
Now no one thinks that a little girl is capable of murder, but she is. I had watched my father time and again get that box off the shelf in the garage. I had watched my father put the powder in cracks and crevices around the house and had watched him put the chicken wire fence around so that Muffins, our cat did not go near.
Muffins was tiny, and not much good for anything. I think my parents were glad when she died. After all, I had to see if the powder worked. Mummy suffered a lot when she died, especially when she could not dial the phone. But I had watched television. I knew that if you pull out all the plugs in the wall, you couldn't dial out
My aunt is very cold to me. I heard that she was trying to reach mother on the day I killed her. I heard that she talked to the police. The rumor that daddy was let go makes me angry. Say why are they coming? They are supposed to take daddy to jail.
Example of Fiction: THE TAKEOVER
"I've had it," she screamed, frail arms holding the weapon, "Every year it's the same thing. Every year, our bus stops at this stupid restaurant a bus tour and every year we stop at this stupid restaurant and get the same crummy sandwiches at the same ridiculous prices!"
"Hold it," said the waitress, "we don't allow weapons here. We're Canadians."
"Well I am not. I am from the good old USA. and can hold any d— weapon I please. So there, sweetie!"
The waitress rushed to the phone, but tripped over the orthopedic shoes of another pensioner who struck her umbrella, saying "take that, take that,"
The patrons made a rush to the door. Who knows farmers could be that speedy? We enjoyed the spectacle. You see,we are not allowed to carry guns. The government is afraid we will admit a mad dog killer into our house, show him our gun collection, and the drawer where we kept our bullets. I would not be surprised if they figured we would show the felons whose place to rob and "I won't tell the RCMP about you if you take care of Mr. So and So. He's been a pain in my existence!"
The Americans do not have that problem. The only people not allowed to carry guns are criminals, and insane person and that old lady looked pretty sane to me.
Yes, there she was, five foot nothing in a white straw hat, reading glasses, a pink rose printed rayon dress, a pale rose cardigan,and a large white vinyl purse with "San Francisco" on it, sallow face, white hair, and holding a forty five automatic
Yup, if I were the manager of this establishment, I would be scared too. I saw him scurrying around the back, trying to make it to the back door, which were blocked with various boxes of toilet paper.
When the police arrived and hauled the senior citizens off, we figured that justice had taken a back turn until the next day. As we put our bags in the car, we happened to glance at the headlines in the local paper.
Health Department Closes Down Restaurant. Dead Cats found in Back. Old Lady a Hero!
Friday, July 10, 2009
Example of my Fiction: RETRIBUTION
What they had in mind was not very pleasant.
Oh I have been such a fool!
Gregory ran to the back door, but the vicious pit bull snarled at him, straining against its chain.
I should have keep the family alive!
He touched the blood stain on the hardwood floor, now turning a dark brown and recalled the child's innocent face before he plunged his knife into her chest.
Poor baby! I am so expert! He did not want to waste a bullet on her, like he did on her parents.
The moon was become clearer. Gregory spotted the sniper on the roof top over the shadows. He knew that he would never get out alive.
"You can't get me, copper!" he yelled, adding a few four-letter words for emphasis. He swallowed the remaining slice of chocolate cake on the dining room table, wiping his ice stained fingers on the yellow patterned tablecloth.
Carefully, Gregory removed the bullet, and burped.
He then started towards the front door. He could make it! He could, but then the pit bull was at the front, mouth slathering, clawing at the flimsy wood door. Gregory knew that in just a second, it would be over.
Someone yelled, "Let's wait until the dog finishes him. It'll save the taxpayers some needless expense!"
As the dog broke its chains and sprang, Gregory heard a vicious laugh from outside mingled with his screams.
Sometimes a writer admires a character written by another author that he wants to mention that character or make reference in his story. Perhaps you want to make a phrase like "As I waited for the light to change, I saw that scuffy detective talking to that famous police psychologist. The latter had not changed his raincoat for weeks." Pretty sneaky way to mention Columbo. You are not saying who he is, but anyone who watches the series knows who you are referring to.
Unfortunately your character would have no idea who that scuffy guy in the raincoat is. He would probably think he was a bum.
Now suppose you want your character to say that he saw Spiderman crawling up a wall. After all, you read that comic book and you saw this man poking out the apartment window, looking up.
If it were reality and Spiderman was crawling up a wall, your character may have seen it so many times that he would have not taken any notice.
All right, you decided to be bold and write a story about a widow of a police detective suspected of corruption asking a detective of a famous writer who lives in the same town as you to investigate. Now suppose it was in November 1998. Unfortunately the famous writer wrote a story of the same time period, but he had not sent it to the publisher yet. In this, the detective of the famous writer is in Ireland, investigating the mysterious death of a relative and he left in October 1988 and is spending the Christmas holidays there as well.
Not to be perturbed, you make your character be related to an action hero of another famous writer. This hero in the writer's last novel was getting close to a certain young lady and there were hints of marriage. Okay the writer may have intended to make the character married but his audience would not accept this for now. And for reality's sake, would not the hero's employer's order him to fake his wife or his own's death, make a different identity like he was in the import business, etc. And would not those who hired this action hero make sure that any real marriage of his was kept secret, perhaps a fake one in his place, along with a cover story? Why if your character was related to this borrowed character, he would probably think that his father was a business traveler, salesperson, et cetera. Why he may think his father died, divorced, or a bum who left mother and I penniless.
All right you decide to mention that your character was in the same area when something happened, perhaps the action hero was chasing someone (okay Chinese Communist agent) and there was a big fight. You decide to play safe by mentioning not the city or state but it was "near Macey's around Christmas 1985". You researched and know that the author wrote a story called, "Danger Christmas". But your character would probably have been approached by the government, CIA, or whomever hired the action hero to keep quiet in the interest of national security
The safest way to reference a borrowed character would be at a distance, a character who could be but you are not sure, mention being at a certain restaurant when the action hero was getting in trouble with the waiter - "I hope this is not what happened the last time I was here. The waiter seemed to be arguing with this customer. Who? I don't know. He looked like military or something.
This is probably the safest way to write about the danger of using characters borrowed from other authors than to say "You would violate copyright and you would probably not get the author's permission.
You need a writing space with your equipment, books, et cetera on hand, because if you have your books, for instance, downstairs, everytime you run to get that obscure reference book, you lose valuable writing time. You also save on leg power. Someone may take your absence as an okay for them to get on the computer and play a game.
Your vocabulary has to be more than looking up in a dictionary because you have to know the nuances of the word in such a way that they became second nature. It does, also, make people respect you and expect more than a story of your tragic life when your father locked you in the closet even though he never did those things and was the nicest man in your city.
You need a certain amount of time because you must see at least a page or several paragraphs completed, not only a sentence. In connection, you should have a particular time period, preferably an hour at least, with no interruptions because if someone bugs you during your alloted writing period,you cannot concentrate because you are thinking that any moment now the phone will ring, the husband will want to play his game, the dog has to go out, and so forth. In other words, eventually you expect to be interrupted. It is sort of like those rechargeable batteries. If you stop too soon, the battery life decreases and you wind up writing, "See Dick Run." instead of "As I entered the room, I observed Mrs. Marvin, her head attached in a rather strange angle and her eyes glazed over — knowing that someone in the house had killed her, I immediately phoned the police, et cetera, et cetera.
You do not let friends critique your work, because they have different tastes in writing and that reflect on their judgements. In other words, they are asking, "why does she or he write about this lovely family and how they got to America?" "I love Romances." and fail to see if you used the passive voice a little too often, the hero in your story suddenly changed his name in mid stream from Barney to Howard, or other blunders.
You do not let family critique your work, because they confuse your writing with whatever you did wrong and have seen you on your bad days.
You only tell that you are writing, not the exact detail of plot, city, or name because in the first case, you might, say, suddenly decide to change to science fiction and would you not be embarrassed!
You do not give a copy to your friend because she may be a helpfuL aunt. What a helpful aunt does is to show the copy to as many of her friends as possible. (She is glad to meet a real writer ) Eventually it may wind up being stolen by an unscrupulous person masquerading as a friend who says, "Oh I am not interested" and then steals it from the coffee table, dresser drawer, and has it published under his or her own name.
As for me, I got sick and tired of people asking, "Why do you need this and could you not get, et cetera, et cetera." I thus to write it down. Hope that satisfies everyone.
My Thoughts on Prey and Pretender Fan Fiction:
My Thoughts on Pretender
 Are the Pretenders really Dominants but drugged so as not to use their true talents? I seem to think so.All that chasing around and no one doing anything. Miss Parker doomed to chase Jarod until they both wind up in wheelchairs. Is that what you want? Enough of this nonsense.
 What will Miss Parker do with Jarod if she catches him? Will she have to lock Sydney and Broots in a closet so as not to be disturbed? I can imagine this.
"I love you Jarod."
"You love me? You didn't act like it when you chased me. Say whats all that pounding?"
"Oh nothing, just mice."
What kind of work will they do once the Centre is no more? I was thinking of either Bails Bondsmen or Detective Work specializing in tracking down dead beat spouses. If that does not happen, will Miss Parker just keep Jarod and make him do thing for her? (Just imagine all the money she can save on not paying anyone to fix up her place, doctor bills, a driver, going to the pharmecy, etc.)
My Thoughts on Inappropriate Fan Fiction
I assume that such stories are password protected so only adults can assess them. Those java scripts do not work by the way.
If the story has the characters having intimate relations, and you are writing it for adults who enjoy such stuff, think about the characters and write it with discretion. If the character has been thrust into the world without being raised by a family(and I use it in the strict sense of mom and dad/or widowed/divorced mom or dad with or without natural and or adopted children) or given a decent moral background, and he intends to make love with his girl friend, he is not going to wear any underwear at all or he will wear briefs. If he were raised in one of the family situations, he would get to know her first. The sex act, if at all, would come later. If he were raised in a family situation, the character would have sex with a girl that had a bad reputation or not at all until he got married.
You also have to be careful about pressing that the hero is wearing boxer shorts because on television shows, they always show boxer shorts because briefs look too sexy. So kill the boxer short insistence unless you want me to get very angry at you since you seem to be saying "The Good Looking Hunk can produce several children because I wrote him wearing boxer shorts and a man who wears briefs is practically sterile. so there!!!!!" If you want him to appear sexy, do like Mulder did in X Files when he said he wasn't wearing any underwear.
Where Do I Put My Fan Fiction?
Fan Fiction egroups have rules as to the classification they accept from general, to Pg 13,up to 18 and above. Unfortunately 18 and above means description of explicit sexual acts. It is also known as adult just as PG 13 and PG 16 has a lot of teenage angst. So you might have to join a group, see what's going on, and if the stories posted make you nervous, quit after a while and join another. Now if there were egroups that accept mature fan fiction and do not expect a whole description of what Lewis in Prey is doing sexually to that beautiful human captive, for example, I'd be happy. Also, those who want categories of where your fan fiction goes, they'd better have plenty of room, because what i write does not just fit into one category.
Suggestions for Fan Fiction
One: Taking the easy way out,killing off the hero, or making him sterile.
Two: Making the bad person good in one shot.
Three: Changing the particular group in the series because you cannot accept them for what they are
Four: Using euphenisms because of the character's ethnic background
Five: Having everyone in the fan fiction believe the same as you do. If you do not believe in evolution, and want to show your own belief by putting a character in who is, say, a Baptist, don't convert anyone to your beliefs unless the original writer in the series showed that he or she was already questioning evolution in the first place.
Six: Not taking in account the mores and values of the times
Seven: Not researching the series or watching most of it to see whether what you assumed at the beginning episodes was changed by a future episode. This assumes that you did not put in something like "this happened between episode three and four' where 'The Handsome Hero' had just learned about his alien origin."
Eight: Making a Minor Character important ot good because he happens to be Black.
Nine: Continuing on making the Villains the majority ethnic group and if they happen to have someone in their midst who is of a minority ethnic group, making him or her the hero, the good guy, the one who says 'Supreme Leader, you should not introduce poisonous chemicals into the drinking water' <> Ten: Making every child of the heroes or heroines girls all the time or most of the time especially if the hero happens to be white and it's a very good chance that he and his wife or sweetheart will give birth to a son. I know there are some out there whose husbands beat them, whose son is a thief, whose father abused them, etc.,but why not all white men, babies, or boys are evil and not all African American men, babies, or boys are good.
Eleven Making the characters on the fan fiction have your personality, your ideas.
Twelve In character summaries about Fan Fiction, giving a negative reason for the character's position in the Television, Movie, or Book.
ThirteenMaking an organization which is shown to be evil, good.
FourteenMaking the hero or heroine bad and the reverse.
Since one of my favorite shows was the Pretender, I'll answer this giving the Pretender as an example. These last two are done through a warped idea that you must never say anything bad about an evil organization (like the Centre in Pretender.) and perhaps thinking that Jarod could have changed it by not running away. Again you should really watch the series. He was a prisoner, a captive, put in a cell at night. Not allowed to go anywhere without supervision. Closely watched and guarded. Think of what you could do in that situation. Could you accomplish anything? No, in my opinion, the only way Jarod could get anything done, tell Miss Parker about her mother, etc. was if he did escape.
Definition of Fan Fiction
"Prey", a group called either 1.6r because they are 1.6r better than us or 'dominants'. These Dominants (who were not Mexican natives by the way) suddenly appeared in Oxaca,Mexico, apparently because of global warming, becoming stronger, smarter, more vicious, and faster than us and trying to take over the earth by eliminating us. "Prey" was cancelled by ABC and is now being rerun on the Science Fiction channel which also carries Horror shows, so be warned.
"Above and Beyond" Marines go and fight aliens who are attacking human colonies on other worlds. If there were intelligent life out there, they are not necessarily all good. >
"The Pretender" is about a man Jarod stolen as a child by an organization called The Centre which calls itself "a Think Tank" (you may now laugh or guffaw at this point.) Having something called the Pretender gene, he can become "anyone he wants to be." Kidnapped as a child, he is kept in the Centre as a captive (although I could use another word: Slave) and forced to do hundreds of simulations. At last, he escapes, right injustices and searches for his family while being pursued by Miss Parker(the presumed daughter of Mr. Parker, a descendant of the founder of the Centre) and her cronies, Broots and Sydney (Jarod's teacher at the Centre.) Although not stated in the series, Jarod and Miss Parker may have had a child which might have been adopted or fostered out. The reason is that Mr. Parker sent his daughter to boarding school and made sure that Jarod was kept below in the subterranean level of the Centre.
"Law and Order" and the consequent series. Law being the police perspective, Order, being that of the courts.
Series such as 'CSI", and "ER." The first involves crime investigation and the second, the workings of an Emergency room in a hospital. In the second, although characters come and go, the premise is good and lends to many stories about the characters in their environment, although I have seen some fan fiction which would be considered off color, at least.
My opinion of cancellations? Cancelling a show at the cliff hanger is entirely wrong as is also cancelling show when you leave the characters hanging in mid air (I think of "Above and Beyond" for example) An excellent example of a show that had a good cancellation or conclusion was "War of the World, the Series."
Confederation Bridge PEI

Condeferation Bridge PEI