Sunday, July 12, 2009


Actually there are only two races here on Earth, the children of God and the children of Man, and both groups have variations in skin color, shape of noses, faces, hair color, straight or kinky, etc. We are all descended from Adam and Eve who were probably in middle as far as features and shade are concerned. However we come now to the present and a peculiar situation. What about marriage? It does not matter if you marry someone whose ancestors came from Europe as you did, or from Africa. You should marry the one of the opposite sex from you because you get along together, you love each other, you have the same basic beliefs. You shouldn't marry to show that you are not a racist, or that you believe people of that particular opposite ethnic group are more virile, love children more, more close to the earth, or all that stuff. And your children will not be African Americans or Native Americans or Canadians, they have the genes from both of you. If the mother is black, and their father is Scottish Irish, that Scottish Irish in them does not disappear.
Now in Canada and many other countries, both ethnic groups counts and so there is no pressure on the blondest girl marrying the blackest man or visa versa. Because no matter how the mix, all the elements of both backgrounds come together. There is another thing. There is no resentment - except for the Native Canadians who went to the residential schools - and part of it was because what used to work in the Public Schools in England did not work in Amerindian society where the children were never separated from the tribe or the family and whereas there were safeguards in the English Public Schools where potential pedophiles were found out before, there were none in the Residential schools and of course the pedophiles and child abusers as evil men have done, took advantage of this lack of security.
There is another thing about Canada. We have mixed neighborhoods, where the only thing that separates one community from the other is one is middle class, one is working class, and one is upper class, but in the United States, the lines are of color and that makes racism more attractive.
So instead of the rich man marrying the poor girl or the rich girl marrying the poor boy who does his best to show he is worthy, one marries someone of a different ethnic group to show that he is worthy.
Yet both these ideas are wrong. One is assumed to show one is not a racist and the other to show that one does not care for the class system and neither work because there will always be resentment. Marrying should be for love and because both parties have something in common, or are of the same beliefs, and not to prove a point.

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