Friday, July 10, 2009

Example of my Fiction: RETRIBUTION

He shoot through the broken window at the car lights. Dozens of squad cars as well as several red trucks surrounded the area. Farmers with shotguns cursed at him, giving vent to what they would do, if the law would allow it.

What they had in mind was not very pleasant.

Oh I have been such a fool!

Gregory ran to the back door, but the vicious pit bull snarled at him, straining against its chain.

I should have keep the family alive!

He touched the blood stain on the hardwood floor, now turning a dark brown and recalled the child's innocent face before he plunged his knife into her chest.

Poor baby! I am so expert! He did not want to waste a bullet on her, like he did on her parents.

The moon was become clearer. Gregory spotted the sniper on the roof top over the shadows. He knew that he would never get out alive.

"You can't get me, copper!" he yelled, adding a few four-letter words for emphasis. He swallowed the remaining slice of chocolate cake on the dining room table, wiping his ice stained fingers on the yellow patterned tablecloth.

Carefully, Gregory removed the bullet, and burped.

He then started towards the front door. He could make it! He could, but then the pit bull was at the front, mouth slathering, clawing at the flimsy wood door. Gregory knew that in just a second, it would be over.

Someone yelled, "Let's wait until the dog finishes him. It'll save the taxpayers some needless expense!"

As the dog broke its chains and sprang, Gregory heard a vicious laugh from outside mingled with his screams.

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