Sunday, July 12, 2009

Example of Fiction: LITTLE MURDERER

I knew mother was dead.

Now no one thinks that a little girl is capable of murder, but she is. I had watched my father time and again get that box off the shelf in the garage. I had watched my father put the powder in cracks and crevices around the house and had watched him put the chicken wire fence around so that Muffins, our cat did not go near.

Muffins was tiny, and not much good for anything. I think my parents were glad when she died. After all, I had to see if the powder worked. Mummy suffered a lot when she died, especially when she could not dial the phone. But I had watched television. I knew that if you pull out all the plugs in the wall, you couldn't dial out

My aunt is very cold to me. I heard that she was trying to reach mother on the day I killed her. I heard that she talked to the police. The rumor that daddy was let go makes me angry. Say why are they coming? They are supposed to take daddy to jail.

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