Sunday, July 12, 2009


First let's say something about Katrina. The former President George W. Bush was losing his popularity among the Blacks because he did not come to their aid as they would have liked. First did Katrina deliberately target the black communities? If slavery had not happened and if the majority of the population were either native Americans or Whites, would Katrina have never happened? Would you have rather had the aid just go to the Black communities and leave the whites to fend for themselves - after all they are 'not worthy.' Do you think that Bush actually caused the hurricane? Was that God's punishment on you for electing him president, would God have wanted you to elect a president who is against what he stands for? Would you want a president who perhaps is not only pro abortion, and for homosexual rights to marry and adopt children (because they are being sob sob persecuted), but also cheats on his wife? If you had elected a Democratic president who is against the morals Bush follows, would Katrina have just been denigrated to a tropical storm and not done any damage? Isn't aid supposed to be dependent on the person's circumstances, not on his class, color or lack thereof? Did Katrina, the Earthquake in Pakistan, and other diasters happen so that the taxes will be raised and wages lowered in the more prosperous part of America, Canada, and Western Europe in order to transfer monies to these areas? Do these disasters happen because we are in the End Times and God wants all men to repent and in the case, of Katrina, would it not have been better to imagine the worse case scenario and take the best protection so that when Katrina did strike, it would have caused less damage?

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