Friday, July 10, 2009

My Thoughts on Inappropriate Fan Fiction

I am not talking about racist fan fiction. For some reason, people nowadays seem to think racism is a more serious sin than any other. It is considered so bad that one may receive a more serious sentence if he killed someone considered to be of an oppressed race. This is not what I am writing about. I had to revise this paragraph because some scum ball looked at this site, decided that anyone writing about what I wrote about loves it and decided to send me some inappropriate junk mail. Writing fan fiction as an excuse just to show how to write sexually explicit scenes is wrong. The plot becomes minimal unless you are writing what he did to her, what her reaction was, how she felt when—, what he did later, what they did on the living room floor, etc. and that is no plot.
I assume that such stories are password protected so only adults can assess them. Those java scripts do not work by the way.
If the story has the characters having intimate relations, and you are writing it for adults who enjoy such stuff, think about the characters and write it with discretion. If the character has been thrust into the world without being raised by a family(and I use it in the strict sense of mom and dad/or widowed/divorced mom or dad with or without natural and or adopted children) or given a decent moral background, and he intends to make love with his girl friend, he is not going to wear any underwear at all or he will wear briefs. If he were raised in one of the family situations, he would get to know her first. The sex act, if at all, would come later. If he were raised in a family situation, the character would have sex with a girl that had a bad reputation or not at all until he got married.
You also have to be careful about pressing that the hero is wearing boxer shorts because on television shows, they always show boxer shorts because briefs look too sexy. So kill the boxer short insistence unless you want me to get very angry at you since you seem to be saying "The Good Looking Hunk can produce several children because I wrote him wearing boxer shorts and a man who wears briefs is practically sterile. so there!!!!!" If you want him to appear sexy, do like Mulder did in X Files when he said he wasn't wearing any underwear.

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