Friday, July 10, 2009

Suggestions for Fan Fiction

Okay before I put down a story, I would like to make a few pointers that I would not like to appear in fan fiction stories.

One: Taking the easy way out,killing off the hero, or making him sterile.
Two: Making the bad person good in one shot.
Three: Changing the particular group in the series because you cannot accept them for what they are
Four: Using euphenisms because of the character's ethnic background
Five: Having everyone in the fan fiction believe the same as you do. If you do not believe in evolution, and want to show your own belief by putting a character in who is, say, a Baptist, don't convert anyone to your beliefs unless the original writer in the series showed that he or she was already questioning evolution in the first place.
Six: Not taking in account the mores and values of the times
Seven: Not researching the series or watching most of it to see whether what you assumed at the beginning episodes was changed by a future episode. This assumes that you did not put in something like "this happened between episode three and four' where 'The Handsome Hero' had just learned about his alien origin."
Eight: Making a Minor Character important ot good because he happens to be Black.
Nine: Continuing on making the Villains the majority ethnic group and if they happen to have someone in their midst who is of a minority ethnic group, making him or her the hero, the good guy, the one who says 'Supreme Leader, you should not introduce poisonous chemicals into the drinking water' <> Ten: Making every child of the heroes or heroines girls all the time or most of the time especially if the hero happens to be white and it's a very good chance that he and his wife or sweetheart will give birth to a son. I know there are some out there whose husbands beat them, whose son is a thief, whose father abused them, etc.,but why not all white men, babies, or boys are evil and not all African American men, babies, or boys are good.
Eleven Making the characters on the fan fiction have your personality, your ideas.
Twelve In character summaries about Fan Fiction, giving a negative reason for the character's position in the Television, Movie, or Book.
ThirteenMaking an organization which is shown to be evil, good.
FourteenMaking the hero or heroine bad and the reverse.
Since one of my favorite shows was the Pretender, I'll answer this giving the Pretender as an example. These last two are done through a warped idea that you must never say anything bad about an evil organization (like the Centre in Pretender.) and perhaps thinking that Jarod could have changed it by not running away. Again you should really watch the series. He was a prisoner, a captive, put in a cell at night. Not allowed to go anywhere without supervision. Closely watched and guarded. Think of what you could do in that situation. Could you accomplish anything? No, in my opinion, the only way Jarod could get anything done, tell Miss Parker about her mother, etc. was if he did escape.

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