Sunday, July 12, 2009

Types of Movies I Do Not Like

Besides pornographic, movies that extol Buddha movies that show Christianity in a bad light, movies that show that the only moral character is non-white, and the one getting persecuted is non=white, where the sheriff or head of the police department is Black and it happens to be in New Mexico or California or Kansas,etc. I hate movies that shows that

The White person or people are dead, lets celebrate: e.g. Deep Water and Playing it Forward are an example. Have you noticed in both, the music played was inappropriate? No dirges, no sad instrumentals in a minor key. As if you are supposed to be happy that a couple drowned at sea and were eaten by sharks or a boy was murdered. Of course, I also don't like movies where there are proficious use of the f-work, or blasphemy. I mean, a guy hits his thumb with a hammer, he loses all his money, someone kills his wife – you'd expect him (I am not talking about true Christians) to let out a curse, but every second sentence?

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