Sunday, July 12, 2009


Cutting down on food just won't do it. You need exercise. Walking is the best, but it sure is hard to do when it gets to 30 below zero, and when there's a high wind chill. Walking on a treadmill is so boring, and when your house is not that big, you can't just go up and down the stairs all the time for each piece of laundry or go from the dishwasher to the cupboard with just one plate. I'd like to see a photograph on those magazine articles on "How to exercise in Winter" of someone wrapped up head to toe, so we can just see her eyes, snow banks piled up to here, and the snow almost covering her boots.
Yet when you watch Tv, and you see those fit and slim models, you wonder why do they not show anyone who really struggled like on the Biggest Loser? I have not watched that show that often, but I see those obese people struggling up hills, going up stadium steps, and when I do catch the show later on, those obese people are now just fat, lately pleasantly plump and finally slim.
Yet they are always exercising in moderate climates and even the Canadian version of the Biggest Loser, that is based in Edmonton, the losers are losing weight in Spring, Summer, and Fall, never when there is snow on the ground and it really does snow in Edmonton. It is not just a light sprinkle.
You see when it is cold, you need more fuel, and when it snows, it is harder to move and when it is forty below, shoveling snow can only be done for so long before you have to go into the house.
Yet losing weight is harder in the winter. Wait until spring and then the pounds will come out as you are able to walk.

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