Sunday, July 12, 2009


Forget those writers who came from privileged backgrounds who said their family were against it, but still I write and right now my book is on the best seller list. Family disapproval does not mean anything unless they can do something about it.

If you had to work or did not get the proper education and decided now "I am going my University or GED and become a writer," unless those in your household steal your money, throw your typewriter or computer out the window, lock the computer so you cannot get it, hide your writing utensils, or do anything physical to prevent you from acquiring your goal, there is no excuse. You may have to keep the home in order and be reasonably neat so they can see writing is not a time waster. What I am saying is threatening words spoken on empty air do not mean anything unless accompanied by blows.

All right now we got down to the mean opposition, what about the subtle examples. Let me name a few.

You are a Japanese wife. You have been told, don't bring dishonor on our family name. You know that your grandfather was a guard in one of those prison camps. You feel you must tell a fictionalized story of World War 11 but if you do, your family will disown you.

The best idea has come to you! Ah that is the correct phrase, the way the heroine looks at the villain. I have to write it down or type it on the computer. Your son or daughter have taken all your pens and pencils, and "you know who" has to use the computer to type out that special report even though he had all week to do it. It has to be done this moment.

You have finished the best game of solitaire, and unknown to you, your partner sneaks in, watches, leaves, and goes out about his business. You start to write on your short story and only then does he say, 'what about supper?'. You think this is isolated, so you choose another time, but no matter what time as soon as you write a couple of words or get as far as a sentence, yours truly does the interruption thing.

You belong to a religious organization who says fiction story writing is lying,

I think the ones who are doing this opposing should ask themselves, "Were you proud of your grandfather torturing all those people?" "Why did you choose this particular time to use the computer, and why did you not have those writing instruments handy? " How do you expect your wife to improve her writing if she does not get enough time to write a paragraph? Do you want her to be, perhaps, senile? Will taking care of a woman in her old age who is devoid of her mental facilities make you happy? " "How do you know if the so called fiction writing is a lie or not?" Remember those movie credits with "any resemblance to any persons living or dead is truly coincidental?"

What is the result of this opposition? For one thing, your novel or short story will take longer to send out. It costs more. You may have to buy the file cabinets, book cases, and other essentials out of your own pocket, not to mention books on writing. There are people who still believe that reading is a luxury and because of this many potential authors go unnoticed; many an unpublished story lies hidden in a dresser drawer.

Now lets get down to how long or how many words to write a day. It depends on who you are. If you hardly go out, are not invited out, and are at the same place at the same time, then it is easy for you to use the time method of writing. That means, you will write from ten in the morning until noon because you are at home during that time and never go out.

However, if you are out of your house or apartment irregularly, it is best to use the so many pages a day since if you are like me, you will have the processor and the pages open so when you finished doing or got back from, you can get on with the writing. Now how many pages should you write? I would say at least three double spaced because that way the story will be flowing. With just one page, you may be just getting into the plot, the characters are having a conversation, they just arrived at the city, and with two, there is a bit more action, but not enough. Also you may have to back track because your character got out of his car, but there was no mention of him getting into the car in the first place. At least three double spaced pages, allows you to correct mistakes and also allows you to go back to the previous chapters and fix up what is wrong.

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